One winter, many snowflakes ago-- my youngest son--decided to engage in naughty behaviors…and yet with Christmas only days away, he still expected that he would receive a mountain of gifts.
Let me back up the sleigh a minute to share that we did not incorporate Santa into our Christmas celebrations. And before you reach for a tissue out of sympathy for my children, let me assure you that they charged down the stairs just as excitedly as your children to many gifts under the tree…that were from us.
We just opted to only celebrate the real reason for the season without the inclusion of the man in the red suit.
Sleigh ride forward…our son was perceptive enough to comprehend that Mommy and Daddy were not going to overlook his naughty behaviors without consequences, so he declared, ‘I do believe in Santa Claus and he will bring me presents’.
I went along with it. I even went out and purchased a ‘Cookies for Santa’ plate and a Santa mug for milk. ‘Twas the night before Christmas and he gingerly placed cookies on the plate and filled the mug with ice cold milk.
He charged down the stairs Christmas morning and his eyes beheld just a trace of milk left in the mug and only crumbs on the plate along with a lump of black coal…and a letter from the man he was counting on.
Dear Justin~
I was checking my list and checking it twice--to find out if throughout the year-- you were naughty or nice. You were very naughty…and do not deserve any gifts.
Try to be good next year! ~Santa Claus
His eyes were as big as saucers and filling with tears—as he turned around and saw in the corner of the room a huge pile of gifts with this letter on it:
Dear Justin~
I don’t have a list and I’m not checking it twice. I love you unconditionally whether you are naughty or nice. My love and gifts for you are not given to you because of anything you do or don’t do~but because of everything I did.
Among all your presents may you discover that I AM the real reason for the season. I am the Gift of gifts. ~Jesus Christ
Wendy’s Witz-dom: Keep CHRIST in Christmas!
God’s Wisdom: For God so loves each of us—naughty or nice. His love and forgiveness is a gift, not deserved or earned…but because of whom He is…and what He has done.
©WitzEnd Writings
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Chase's College Daze
(An email to his Mom, my Sister~Lori Lee Sell Delans)
sooo, i am enraged.... i caught the bus at 7:27 this morning... this very cold morning... this bone chilling morning... this morning that i would rather have died than gone out in.... this sooooo cold morning that i almost did die because i went out in it...anyways, i digress... i then got on the bus, rode it of course, got off, and walked the very long snowy quad to my class room to proceed and take an all important, grade deciding final exam for one of my classes. i was patiently waiting with about 80 other people, whom i have never seen before, for my room to open. i figured that the professor must have let people from other sections take it with our class, and the people i knew must have just been lost in the crowd...right?... wrong. so eventually a different professor proceeds to unlock the door and i was like uhhhmmmm eff i am screwed!!! of course there is still that thought back in my head that maybe she is a substitute, just there to give the test. so i turn around and one of my friends is there and she is like "what are you doing here" and i said "this is my nightmare... i apparently do not know where my (all important, grade deciding) final exam is, i am obviously in the wrong place!" so i ran without even thinking about the cold, or the ice for that matter.... because i slipped and fell!!! (good thing no one saw).... to the library. so i get there and frantically rush to the nearest computer, and wouldn't you know it took about an hour for every single page to load. so, i had all the time in the world to think: o my gosh i am going to miss this all important, grade deciding final exam and fail, my parents are gonna kill me, my GPA will drop, blah blah blah you know in panic mode the horrible thoughts that one is capable of thinking. so finallyyyyy my e-mail comes up and i sift through my deleted e-mail, like my life depends on it, and i finally find the one telling me when and where my exam is. i open it up... expecting to have to log off and sprint to my eventual doom where my professor won't let me take this all important, grade deciding final exam because i am late... (waiting for an eternity for it to load of course) i read the time of this all important, grade deciding final exam... and it says 10:30. in case that does not resonate with you, 10:30 actually is not the same as 8:00.
so here i am, sitting in the library, having nothing to do because i brought no study material or anything with me to take a final. i guess i will have to wait and take the exam... hopefully it goes better than my day so far... i expect it to at least. alright well i guess i am done and will waste my time in some other fashion now.
hahaha, ok love you
(Engineering Major at James Madison University, VA)
sooo, i am enraged.... i caught the bus at 7:27 this morning... this very cold morning... this bone chilling morning... this morning that i would rather have died than gone out in.... this sooooo cold morning that i almost did die because i went out in it...anyways, i digress... i then got on the bus, rode it of course, got off, and walked the very long snowy quad to my class room to proceed and take an all important, grade deciding final exam for one of my classes. i was patiently waiting with about 80 other people, whom i have never seen before, for my room to open. i figured that the professor must have let people from other sections take it with our class, and the people i knew must have just been lost in the crowd...right?... wrong. so eventually a different professor proceeds to unlock the door and i was like uhhhmmmm eff i am screwed!!! of course there is still that thought back in my head that maybe she is a substitute, just there to give the test. so i turn around and one of my friends is there and she is like "what are you doing here" and i said "this is my nightmare... i apparently do not know where my (all important, grade deciding) final exam is, i am obviously in the wrong place!" so i ran without even thinking about the cold, or the ice for that matter.... because i slipped and fell!!! (good thing no one saw).... to the library. so i get there and frantically rush to the nearest computer, and wouldn't you know it took about an hour for every single page to load. so, i had all the time in the world to think: o my gosh i am going to miss this all important, grade deciding final exam and fail, my parents are gonna kill me, my GPA will drop, blah blah blah you know in panic mode the horrible thoughts that one is capable of thinking. so finallyyyyy my e-mail comes up and i sift through my deleted e-mail, like my life depends on it, and i finally find the one telling me when and where my exam is. i open it up... expecting to have to log off and sprint to my eventual doom where my professor won't let me take this all important, grade deciding final exam because i am late... (waiting for an eternity for it to load of course) i read the time of this all important, grade deciding final exam... and it says 10:30. in case that does not resonate with you, 10:30 actually is not the same as 8:00.
so here i am, sitting in the library, having nothing to do because i brought no study material or anything with me to take a final. i guess i will have to wait and take the exam... hopefully it goes better than my day so far... i expect it to at least. alright well i guess i am done and will waste my time in some other fashion now.
hahaha, ok love you
(Engineering Major at James Madison University, VA)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The 'happiest place on earth'...Really!?!
The ‘happiest place on earth’ ….Really!?!
My Family just spent Thanksgiving week in Florida, mostly at Walt Disney World. Walt Disney Word is often referred to as the ‘happiest place on earth’.
Even my family~ with children in their twenties~ puts that motto to the test after walking around for hours upon hours from ride to ride and store to store and catching the monorail back and forth from Magic Kingdom to Epcot and bus transportation to Animal Kingdom and a ferry to Hollywood Studios!!!!!!
Yet it never fails when we are at the ‘happiest place on earth’ we often witness a parent threatening a crying child with ….’or else’. What is ‘or else’ in the ‘happiest place on earth’? Is it that she will not have to stand in line for another hour-- for another ride-- that only lasts 3-5 minutes? ‘Or else’, that she will receive a pre-packed snack instead of enduring another long line at the food court… ‘or else ‘that she will be taken back to the hotel for a much deserved and needed nap to return to the Park refreshed for the 10 PM Wishes Night Spectacular at Cinderella's Castle?
Cinderella’s Castle turns many colors throughout the evening, however I saw red!...when after the children and I rode ‘yet one more ride’ –my husband shared with us an interaction between a father and a daughter that he witnessed—as he sat out the ride after eating a full meal and immediately going on Space Mountain—his stomach still needed to return to earth. His stomach might have been feeling nauseous but after what he witnessed his heart was sick. He observed up close and personal a male parent not happy with his daughter’s attitude and to expediate an attitude change in her-- he began screaming and cursing at her, immediately followed by a slap across her face.
A slap across the face…at the ‘happiest place on earth’, really!?!
Shame on this father who verbally and physically attacked his daughter. We could ask ourselves, was ‘he’ too tired from a long day of walking or too over stimulated from all the dazzling lights and the Disney characters? Or was he frazzled that one day at the ‘happiest place on earth’ was probably equal to a week’s worth of income? Does it really matter? No, as there is no acceptable reason for his behavior.
No one in my family was able to step in and stop the father’s assault on his daughter. Nor were any of us able to reach out to protect her from the onslaught. Others turned their eyes away—maybe in an attempt to trick their minds that what they saw they really couldn’t have seen--not at --the ‘happiest place on earth’.
Yet, when no one steps in—it sends the message to both the abuser and the abused that the behaviors are acceptable.
I am always very happy to spend days at Walt Disney World, especially Magic Kingdom and Epcot. However, I would not be so naïve as to describe it as the ‘happiest place on earth’. The ‘happiest place on earth’ should be in our own home with our family. A place where one feels safe, secure, loved and able to dream of ‘happily ever after’, not a place filled with fear, uncertainty and doubts of being loved.
Next time you or I are in a grocery store or at the mall or attending a sports event or at the airport or attending a school function or enjoying a leisurely walk in our neighborhoods or even at Walt Disney World, lets step in and speak up when we observe a parent being verbally or physically abusive to a child --of any age. The parent might become enraged…or hopefully educated--but more importantly the child might have a twinkling of hope that there really might be a ‘happiest place on earth’ in her tomorrow land.
Wendy’s Witz-dom: There is no place like Home…that should be the ‘happiest place on earth’.
God’s Wisdom: ‘And now a word to you fathers*. Don’t make your children angry by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction approved by the Lord’ (Ephesians 6:4, New Living Translation, The Bible)
*Mothers---this applies to us also!
©WitzEnd Writings
My Family just spent Thanksgiving week in Florida, mostly at Walt Disney World. Walt Disney Word is often referred to as the ‘happiest place on earth’.
Even my family~ with children in their twenties~ puts that motto to the test after walking around for hours upon hours from ride to ride and store to store and catching the monorail back and forth from Magic Kingdom to Epcot and bus transportation to Animal Kingdom and a ferry to Hollywood Studios!!!!!!
Yet it never fails when we are at the ‘happiest place on earth’ we often witness a parent threatening a crying child with ….’or else’. What is ‘or else’ in the ‘happiest place on earth’? Is it that she will not have to stand in line for another hour-- for another ride-- that only lasts 3-5 minutes? ‘Or else’, that she will receive a pre-packed snack instead of enduring another long line at the food court… ‘or else ‘that she will be taken back to the hotel for a much deserved and needed nap to return to the Park refreshed for the 10 PM Wishes Night Spectacular at Cinderella's Castle?
Cinderella’s Castle turns many colors throughout the evening, however I saw red!...when after the children and I rode ‘yet one more ride’ –my husband shared with us an interaction between a father and a daughter that he witnessed—as he sat out the ride after eating a full meal and immediately going on Space Mountain—his stomach still needed to return to earth. His stomach might have been feeling nauseous but after what he witnessed his heart was sick. He observed up close and personal a male parent not happy with his daughter’s attitude and to expediate an attitude change in her-- he began screaming and cursing at her, immediately followed by a slap across her face.
A slap across the face…at the ‘happiest place on earth’, really!?!
Shame on this father who verbally and physically attacked his daughter. We could ask ourselves, was ‘he’ too tired from a long day of walking or too over stimulated from all the dazzling lights and the Disney characters? Or was he frazzled that one day at the ‘happiest place on earth’ was probably equal to a week’s worth of income? Does it really matter? No, as there is no acceptable reason for his behavior.
No one in my family was able to step in and stop the father’s assault on his daughter. Nor were any of us able to reach out to protect her from the onslaught. Others turned their eyes away—maybe in an attempt to trick their minds that what they saw they really couldn’t have seen--not at --the ‘happiest place on earth’.
Yet, when no one steps in—it sends the message to both the abuser and the abused that the behaviors are acceptable.
I am always very happy to spend days at Walt Disney World, especially Magic Kingdom and Epcot. However, I would not be so naïve as to describe it as the ‘happiest place on earth’. The ‘happiest place on earth’ should be in our own home with our family. A place where one feels safe, secure, loved and able to dream of ‘happily ever after’, not a place filled with fear, uncertainty and doubts of being loved.
Next time you or I are in a grocery store or at the mall or attending a sports event or at the airport or attending a school function or enjoying a leisurely walk in our neighborhoods or even at Walt Disney World, lets step in and speak up when we observe a parent being verbally or physically abusive to a child --of any age. The parent might become enraged…or hopefully educated--but more importantly the child might have a twinkling of hope that there really might be a ‘happiest place on earth’ in her tomorrow land.
Wendy’s Witz-dom: There is no place like Home…that should be the ‘happiest place on earth’.
God’s Wisdom: ‘And now a word to you fathers*. Don’t make your children angry by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction approved by the Lord’ (Ephesians 6:4, New Living Translation, The Bible)
*Mothers---this applies to us also!
©WitzEnd Writings
Monday, November 22, 2010
Giving Thanks
Often times when my brain is juggling many tasks at one time (which is just about all the time), I will say words backwards~ however, this time I intentionally mean ‘giving thanks’ instead of Thanks giving.
The fourth Thursday in November is one of my very favorite days of the year. Not just because every so many years it is my daughter Courtney’s birthday as it was last year. Or that my youngest nephew, Preston was born on Thanksgiving Day in 2000. Or even that it is my niece Ashley’s birthday this year …though each of these special occasions would be reasons for giving thanks.
I just think it is praiseworthy that our country, the United States of America, has set a specific day aside where it is a day to be thankful--the fourth Thursday of November. Not only in our country do we have much to be thankful but in our personal lives we have reasons to give thanks, as well. Yes, even in these stressful economic times. Yes, even with our loved ones being deployed to war zones. And, again, yes, even amidst sorrows and grief, broken hearts, failing health and unfilled expectations.
I am reminded of a story about a person that complained to God that the cross he had to bear was well, more than he could bear. So God told him to put down his cross and go into a room filled with crosses and select the cross that would suit his spiritual, emotional, physical weight limit. The room was filled with crosses of all sizes and weights. He tried to pick up some and couldn’t. He attempted to carry others but wouldn’t as the crosses were weighed down with much sorrow and grief. Finally, he eyed a small cross leaning against a corner in the room. He picked it up and it was light as a feather compared to all the other crosses. He smiled content with his selection. God smiled also. Unbeknownst to the man he selected the very cross that he tried to trade.
So on this day-set aside-to give thanks…let’s do just that---give thanks. Let’s rise above our circumstances and be thankful. The first settlers in America had the first Thanksgiving back in 1621, sharing a bountiful feast with the Native Americans. The pilgrims had endured (and continued to endure for years) much hardship, and illnesses and death of loved ones, yet, despite the circumstances and their current situations, they chose to give thanks to God, the maker of the heavens and the earth.
How can we do anything less--'despite of', 'in spite of' or 'because of 'our current circumstances?
Each Thanksgiving as we gather around the table to enjoy our own
Pilgrim-esque feast my family takes turns to express thanks to God. Sometimes, for some of us there is much to be thankful and yet for others of us not as much, however, we are always thankful to God for each other and the love, laughter and memories we share as a family.
Wendy’s Witz-dom: ~give Thanks on the day of Thanks giving~
God’s Wisdom: ‘…always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ (Ephesians 5: 20)
© WitzEnd Writings
The fourth Thursday in November is one of my very favorite days of the year. Not just because every so many years it is my daughter Courtney’s birthday as it was last year. Or that my youngest nephew, Preston was born on Thanksgiving Day in 2000. Or even that it is my niece Ashley’s birthday this year …though each of these special occasions would be reasons for giving thanks.
I just think it is praiseworthy that our country, the United States of America, has set a specific day aside where it is a day to be thankful--the fourth Thursday of November. Not only in our country do we have much to be thankful but in our personal lives we have reasons to give thanks, as well. Yes, even in these stressful economic times. Yes, even with our loved ones being deployed to war zones. And, again, yes, even amidst sorrows and grief, broken hearts, failing health and unfilled expectations.
I am reminded of a story about a person that complained to God that the cross he had to bear was well, more than he could bear. So God told him to put down his cross and go into a room filled with crosses and select the cross that would suit his spiritual, emotional, physical weight limit. The room was filled with crosses of all sizes and weights. He tried to pick up some and couldn’t. He attempted to carry others but wouldn’t as the crosses were weighed down with much sorrow and grief. Finally, he eyed a small cross leaning against a corner in the room. He picked it up and it was light as a feather compared to all the other crosses. He smiled content with his selection. God smiled also. Unbeknownst to the man he selected the very cross that he tried to trade.
So on this day-set aside-to give thanks…let’s do just that---give thanks. Let’s rise above our circumstances and be thankful. The first settlers in America had the first Thanksgiving back in 1621, sharing a bountiful feast with the Native Americans. The pilgrims had endured (and continued to endure for years) much hardship, and illnesses and death of loved ones, yet, despite the circumstances and their current situations, they chose to give thanks to God, the maker of the heavens and the earth.
How can we do anything less--'despite of', 'in spite of' or 'because of 'our current circumstances?
Each Thanksgiving as we gather around the table to enjoy our own
Pilgrim-esque feast my family takes turns to express thanks to God. Sometimes, for some of us there is much to be thankful and yet for others of us not as much, however, we are always thankful to God for each other and the love, laughter and memories we share as a family.
Wendy’s Witz-dom: ~give Thanks on the day of Thanks giving~
God’s Wisdom: ‘…always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ (Ephesians 5: 20)
© WitzEnd Writings
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
This little light of mine
The very first movie I took my oldest daughter, Bethany to see was E.T. At the time we lived in a small town in Pennsylvania and were within walking distance of the local theater. Bethany was mesmerized by the movie and like all movie goers the world over, fell in love with E.T. At the end of the movie she began to clap and everyone else in the theater followed suit.
One of my favorite scenes was when E.T. was being hidden amidst multiple stuffed animals thus making him indistinguishable from the other toys.
Everyone was drawn to E.T. by the light he emitted. Throughout the plot of the movie his friends attempted to cover E.T.’s glow so that no one who wanted to capture him would see his glow. Yet, the luminescence that he emitted was necessary as a signal to guide others of his kind to him. They identified with one another because of the light.
Sometimes we need just enough light to see the next step. I was walking through my darkened house the other evening--hoping not to step on one of Rufus’s doggy bones or on Mr. Ball. I could not see one foot in front of the other so I felt around a small table and twisted on the bulb of an electric candle. It is such a little bulb, with low wattage, yet it illuminated the whole room. The darkness was dispersed.
Who can really fully appreciate that the miniscule light emitted from a mini bulb or the tiny flame from a candle is able to provide enough light for you and me to see our next step or illuminate the features of a face or provide a bit of warmth?
One little light like mine and one little light like yours.
Did not God Himself in the person of Jesus Christ proclaim that ‘You are the light of the world?’…’in the same way let your light shine before men…’ *
As well as, ‘Nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lamp stand, and it gives light to all…’**
We are to let our light so shine to draw men and women to the Light of lights.
Our four children’s childhoods were spent in Wheeling, WV. We lived near Oglebay Park--which is undoubtedly (in my unbiased opinion) the most beautiful park in the country with its floral gardens, ponds, walking trails, just to name a very few of the allures that Olgebay Park has to offer.
Each year, beginning in the month of November Oglebay Park displays thousands upon thousands of lights in an array of Holiday displays, dubbed the ‘Winter Festival of Lights’. There is nothing more mesmerizing than driving around more than 300 acres of Oglebay Park in the dark of the night and optically basking in the twinkling lights.
That is the allure of one light strung together with other lights…all brightly shining, dispersing the darkness.
Along that string of lights~every year, my family attends a candlelight service on Christmas Eve to acknowledge and celebrate the Incarnation of the true light of the world. At the closing of the service, one by one each person’s candle is lighted and the glow of thousands of lighted candles illuminates the darkened sanctuary as their reflection also dances on the stained glass windows.
Each person’s candle…is lighted by another person’s candle flame ~the sharing of this little light of mine. Imagine what the impact would be —if each of us---let our own little light shine…for all to see?
This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine! How about you?
Wendy’s Witz-dom:
Don’t make light of your little light ~ as even forest fires are set ablaze by one little flame.
God’s Wisdom: ‘I (Jesus Christ) am the light of the world’. (John 9:5)
*Matthew 5: 14, 16, (New International Version)
**Matthew 5:15 (New American Standard Version)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
W.O.W.2~4U (Words of Wisdom/Wit for you)
We all know the saying,
‘if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and sounds like a duck-it’s a duck.’
I would also surmise that we would assume correctly that a woman donning pink clothes and driving a
pink car is more than likely a Mary Kay makeup consultant.
Just as a police officer is known by his uniform and badge.
A soldier recognized by his fatigues and dog tags.
A doctor or nurse by their medical garb.
You get the idea…we are easily identifiable.
How would we be identified?
Does what we wear or how we act or the words we say identify us as Christians, i.e., followers of Jesus Christ?
In the Bible, God’s Word, it says that, ‘Each tree is recognized by its fruit’ (Luke 6:44)
No one would pick an apple off a tree and call it an orange.
Or misidentify a pear for a tomato .(Yes, a tomato is a fruit and not a vegetable!)
If an apple represents a Christian ~would we be identified as apples or orangen’t we sure?
Maybe we would even be considered a kumguat—a fruit with both a sweet and sour taste.
Do we really want to profess that we are an apple when our behaviors and words are characteristic of an orange?
Contemplate this question, ‘if you were arrested for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?’ Wow?!—the presentation of evidence might include what we read, where we go or what
we watch. Are you ready to take the stand? Could you testify on your own behalf…claiming to tell the whole truth so help you God…that your walk matches your talk? What if the verdict was ‘lack of evidence’?
If you profess that you are a Christian and nothing in your life has changed , orangen’t you concerned?
For God says, that ‘if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away,
all things are new’ (II Corinthians 5:16) When we ask Jesus Christ into our hearts –we change.
Not by our own doing or by any efforts on our part lest that any of us could boast or pat ourselves on
the back. Salvation is a free gift from God. It cannot be earned or bought. It can only be asked for…from God.
We live in- what is considered – ‘a Christian’ country, therefore, most, Americans profess that they are
Christians. However, if we profess to have a relationship with Jesus Christ there needs to be evidence (fruit) in our lives to validate that claim.
We cannot manufacture ‘evidence’ any more than an orange tree can bear an apple.
We will begin to bear evidence—or fruit---of being followers of Jesus Christ
by -- making positively sure that we are ‘saved’, reading the Bible so that you can learn about God and how to live out your faith and attending a church that preaches the truth found in the infallible Word of God plus surround yourself with others that share your beliefs to encourage one another.
Often times the simplest phrases express the greatest truths for example, “Actions speak louder than words’. When others watch you what do they hear? Contradiction or confirmation?
*Remember, ‘if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and sounds like a duck—it’s a duck.
‘if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and sounds like a duck-it’s a duck.’
I would also surmise that we would assume correctly that a woman donning pink clothes and driving a
pink car is more than likely a Mary Kay makeup consultant.
Just as a police officer is known by his uniform and badge.
A soldier recognized by his fatigues and dog tags.
A doctor or nurse by their medical garb.
You get the idea…we are easily identifiable.
How would we be identified?
Does what we wear or how we act or the words we say identify us as Christians, i.e., followers of Jesus Christ?
In the Bible, God’s Word, it says that, ‘Each tree is recognized by its fruit’ (Luke 6:44)
No one would pick an apple off a tree and call it an orange.
Or misidentify a pear for a tomato .(Yes, a tomato is a fruit and not a vegetable!)
If an apple represents a Christian ~would we be identified as apples or orangen’t we sure?
Maybe we would even be considered a kumguat—a fruit with both a sweet and sour taste.
Do we really want to profess that we are an apple when our behaviors and words are characteristic of an orange?
Contemplate this question, ‘if you were arrested for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?’ Wow?!—the presentation of evidence might include what we read, where we go or what
we watch. Are you ready to take the stand? Could you testify on your own behalf…claiming to tell the whole truth so help you God…that your walk matches your talk? What if the verdict was ‘lack of evidence’?
If you profess that you are a Christian and nothing in your life has changed , orangen’t you concerned?
For God says, that ‘if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away,
all things are new’ (II Corinthians 5:16) When we ask Jesus Christ into our hearts –we change.
Not by our own doing or by any efforts on our part lest that any of us could boast or pat ourselves on
the back. Salvation is a free gift from God. It cannot be earned or bought. It can only be asked for…from God.
We live in- what is considered – ‘a Christian’ country, therefore, most, Americans profess that they are
Christians. However, if we profess to have a relationship with Jesus Christ there needs to be evidence (fruit) in our lives to validate that claim.
We cannot manufacture ‘evidence’ any more than an orange tree can bear an apple.
We will begin to bear evidence—or fruit---of being followers of Jesus Christ
by -- making positively sure that we are ‘saved’, reading the Bible so that you can learn about God and how to live out your faith and attending a church that preaches the truth found in the infallible Word of God plus surround yourself with others that share your beliefs to encourage one another.
Often times the simplest phrases express the greatest truths for example, “Actions speak louder than words’. When others watch you what do they hear? Contradiction or confirmation?
*Remember, ‘if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and sounds like a duck—it’s a duck.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Rufus has a best buddy~Mr. Ball
Rufus has a best buddy~Mr. Ball.
Mr. Ball is his constant companion.
When Rufus gets overheated by playing outside with Mr. Ball—not only does he come in to cool off and get a nice cold drink, he also brings with him, Mr. Ball, and puts him in the water dish so that he can also cool down!
Rufus is very considerate of Mr. Ball in that way, however, he also throws Mr. Ball under the bus (literally) to get attention.
Among humans this syndrome is medically referred to as
Munchausen by proxy. That is the perpetrator (Rufus) feels satisfied by gaining the attention and sympathy of (his grand-parents, mom, aunt & uncle) by creating scenarios where Mr. Ball is in dire need of help.
Proof of Rufus having Munchausen by proxy syndrome are the following but not exhaustive examples of his MBPS:
After looking around to assure himself that we are not observing him—he will drop Mr. Ball into the fountain and then begins barking loudly and incessantly to alert us that Mr. Ball is drowning and needs rescued!
Or he will maneuver Mr. Ball between the plexi-glass gate and the deck railings and once again demands our attention with earsplitting barks to communicate to us that Mr. Ball has been imprisoned and needs bailed out.
His latest tactic is to drop Mr. Ball off of the deck and then bark
like a siren making a loud prolonged warning sound that Mr. Ball jumped off the deck in an attempt of suicide, when in actuality—Rufus pushed him over the edge…to the rocks below.
Rufus expresses much happiness each time Mr. Ball is rescued…but his euphoria is short that --as soon as our backs are turned he is planning or executing the next demise for Mr. Ball.
Why is Rufus so desperate for attention….at the expense and harm of his buddy, Mr. Ball?
Is it that his father abandoned him as a pup (while he was deployed to Iraq)?
Or that his mother neglects him by day (while she is at the Dance Studio teaching dance)?
The answer maybe only lies with a dog-whisperer.
So, until we can schedule therapy or an exorcism for Rufus….
we will encourage Mr. Ball to take out a restraining order against Rufus
…and place Mr. Ball into protective custody.
Mr. Ball is his constant companion.
When Rufus gets overheated by playing outside with Mr. Ball—not only does he come in to cool off and get a nice cold drink, he also brings with him, Mr. Ball, and puts him in the water dish so that he can also cool down!
Rufus is very considerate of Mr. Ball in that way, however, he also throws Mr. Ball under the bus (literally) to get attention.
Among humans this syndrome is medically referred to as
Munchausen by proxy. That is the perpetrator (Rufus) feels satisfied by gaining the attention and sympathy of (his grand-parents, mom, aunt & uncle) by creating scenarios where Mr. Ball is in dire need of help.
Proof of Rufus having Munchausen by proxy syndrome are the following but not exhaustive examples of his MBPS:
After looking around to assure himself that we are not observing him—he will drop Mr. Ball into the fountain and then begins barking loudly and incessantly to alert us that Mr. Ball is drowning and needs rescued!
Or he will maneuver Mr. Ball between the plexi-glass gate and the deck railings and once again demands our attention with earsplitting barks to communicate to us that Mr. Ball has been imprisoned and needs bailed out.
His latest tactic is to drop Mr. Ball off of the deck and then bark
like a siren making a loud prolonged warning sound that Mr. Ball jumped off the deck in an attempt of suicide, when in actuality—Rufus pushed him over the edge…to the rocks below.
Rufus expresses much happiness each time Mr. Ball is rescued…but his euphoria is short that --as soon as our backs are turned he is planning or executing the next demise for Mr. Ball.
Why is Rufus so desperate for attention….at the expense and harm of his buddy, Mr. Ball?
Is it that his father abandoned him as a pup (while he was deployed to Iraq)?
Or that his mother neglects him by day (while she is at the Dance Studio teaching dance)?
The answer maybe only lies with a dog-whisperer.
So, until we can schedule therapy or an exorcism for Rufus….
we will encourage Mr. Ball to take out a restraining order against Rufus
…and place Mr. Ball into protective custody.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
A Daughter's Love for her Mother
Dearest Mom~
As I have been fondly reminiscing the weekend spent with you & Dad at the end of September--I thought about how I often declare
‘I am a Daddy’s girl’...and I am.
However that is not a slight against you. I love you both equally.
I just assume that you know that (& have known that throughout the years)--but you know what they say about when you assume… I want to remind you of this fact so that there never is a doubt.
You are my Mom and I love you dearly.
If you were holding my one hand and Daddy the other and there was a tug of war over who is my most loved parent—well, you would have to pull me in half…
As a Mom, myself—I know full well that you were the one who primarily cared for me from birth through the adolescent years. You nurtured me, taught me respect towards others and instilled in me manners. You brushed my hair, ironed my clothes ( & sometimes my hair in an attempt to straighten out my curls!) You made our house a home & every evening at 5 PM we gathered as a Family to share a home cooked meal and stories and laughter. I always felt loved and safe in our home, because of you (and Dad).
The list is endless of all that you have done for me.
You sacrificed much for me to have more.
I was not always easy—and I wish I could go back through time and have a ‘do-over’ because I would never want to be disrespectful or hurtful. (I hope you also know that it was more of a maturing process than an attack on you as a parent.) If God would give me a 'do-over'---and give me a choice in the matter--- I would pick you all over again as my Mom.
Being a Mother is undeniably the hardest job in the world and a life long vocation that no one is trained for or has earned a degree in...and yet it is also the most rewarding privilege. Children are truly a gift from God...and Mothers are a gift to their children. I know this is not true concerning all mothers...but it is of you!
I admit that --as a mother myself -- my heart desires to please God in all my actions and reactions with my own children--- yet though my spirit is willing, my flesh is weak…and thus I fail—more often than I like.
I so loathe those times---however, those very times humble me and keep me on my 'heart knees'- before God.
Dependent on His mercy. Relying on His forgiveness.
Embraced by His grace. Lifted by His love.
And I believe that is just where He wants me—not just during those times—but at all times!
So, yes I am a Daddy‘s girl—of my heavenly father and my earthly father.
However, I am also my Mother’s daughter, your little girl --no matter how many years go by.
I am a daughter who loves her Mother very much and
I am also immensely grateful to God that you are my Mommy.
This is why I send you flowers on my birthday.
It is my birth day, but more importantly it is a day to show my love & thanks to you for being my Mom.
I love you Mom! Happy Birthday!
May we Sell-ebrate many more this side of Heaven.
Your daughter, ~Wendy Lee
Wendy's Witz-dom: Honoring our Parents is the only commandment accompanied with a promise!
God’s Wisdom: ‘Her children rise up and bless her’ (Proverbs 31:28a)
As I have been fondly reminiscing the weekend spent with you & Dad at the end of September--I thought about how I often declare
‘I am a Daddy’s girl’...and I am.
However that is not a slight against you. I love you both equally.
I just assume that you know that (& have known that throughout the years)--but you know what they say about when you assume… I want to remind you of this fact so that there never is a doubt.
You are my Mom and I love you dearly.
If you were holding my one hand and Daddy the other and there was a tug of war over who is my most loved parent—well, you would have to pull me in half…
As a Mom, myself—I know full well that you were the one who primarily cared for me from birth through the adolescent years. You nurtured me, taught me respect towards others and instilled in me manners. You brushed my hair, ironed my clothes ( & sometimes my hair in an attempt to straighten out my curls!) You made our house a home & every evening at 5 PM we gathered as a Family to share a home cooked meal and stories and laughter. I always felt loved and safe in our home, because of you (and Dad).
The list is endless of all that you have done for me.
You sacrificed much for me to have more.
I was not always easy—and I wish I could go back through time and have a ‘do-over’ because I would never want to be disrespectful or hurtful. (I hope you also know that it was more of a maturing process than an attack on you as a parent.) If God would give me a 'do-over'---and give me a choice in the matter--- I would pick you all over again as my Mom.
Being a Mother is undeniably the hardest job in the world and a life long vocation that no one is trained for or has earned a degree in...and yet it is also the most rewarding privilege. Children are truly a gift from God...and Mothers are a gift to their children. I know this is not true concerning all mothers...but it is of you!
I admit that --as a mother myself -- my heart desires to please God in all my actions and reactions with my own children--- yet though my spirit is willing, my flesh is weak…and thus I fail—more often than I like.
I so loathe those times---however, those very times humble me and keep me on my 'heart knees'- before God.
Dependent on His mercy. Relying on His forgiveness.
Embraced by His grace. Lifted by His love.
And I believe that is just where He wants me—not just during those times—but at all times!
So, yes I am a Daddy‘s girl—of my heavenly father and my earthly father.
However, I am also my Mother’s daughter, your little girl --no matter how many years go by.
I am a daughter who loves her Mother very much and
I am also immensely grateful to God that you are my Mommy.
This is why I send you flowers on my birthday.
It is my birth day, but more importantly it is a day to show my love & thanks to you for being my Mom.
I love you Mom! Happy Birthday!
May we Sell-ebrate many more this side of Heaven.
Your daughter, ~Wendy Lee
Wendy's Witz-dom: Honoring our Parents is the only commandment accompanied with a promise!
God’s Wisdom: ‘Her children rise up and bless her’ (Proverbs 31:28a)
Monday, September 13, 2010
When life gives you lemons...
When life gives you lemons—make lemonade!
It does sound a little Pollyanna, however it is a zestful way to put a twist on a sour situation especially if life puts the squeeze on you and leaves you with a sour, acidic aftertaste.
Life is not always sweet. Life is not always easy. In fact, life can be hard.
I do love lemons for their tartness.
I enjoy eating lemon slices and lemonade is very refreshing especially on a warm summer’s day.
But--I do not love --or even like-- when life gives me a lemon.
Have you ever had a cut on your hand that you had forgotten about until you sliced a lemon…
and the acidic juice burned your wound?
Sometimes life can be like that. And making lemonade will not make everything better.
Life can be sour and life can be hard, however, God is always good.
Years ago, when Dave & I were on a bus tour in Jamaica the bus driver shouted in a sing song way~
‘God is good!’ and the locals on the bus, responded ‘All the time!’.
Then the bus driver repeated, ‘All the time!’
and Dave & I joined in with the locals in chanting the refrain, ‘God is good!’
This is a true statement. ‘God IS good, ALL the time. And All the time, God IS Good.’
Sour circumstances. Unsweeted situations. Soured relationships.
These events and experiences do not alter the truth by even one drop of lemon juice—that God IS good.
When I first embraced a personal relationship with Jesus Christ,
I’ll admit that I was naïve and thought that my life would be a bowl of cherries.
However, God’s Word never promises that…if anything…quite the opposite.
It wasn’t long before lemon juice was squirted into my naivety. And it stung!
Yet, God remains good.
Even in heartache. God is good.
Loss of a loved one. God is good.
9/11. God is good.
Chronic pain. God is good.
Sour relationships. God is good.
Terminal diagnosis. God is good.
Bad news. God is good.
Broken promises. God is good.
Unfulfilled plans. God is good.
Failing health. God is good.
Hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis’. God is good.
(Fill in your own acidic circumstance). God is good. All the time.
Believe me I would wish for myself and also for you….a life filled with all sweet and no sour.
Yet life is a mixed bowl of fruit---of sweet and sour.
So, when life gives you lemons ~’taste and see that the Lord is good’ (Psalms 34:8a) ~and savour the sweet truth that ‘…in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him…’ (Romans 8:28)
Wendy’s Witz-dom:
When life gives you lemons don’t let it sour you on the truth about God.
God IS good ALL the time, ALL the time, God IS good!
God’s Wisdom:
‘I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not
to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope.’ (Jeremiah 29:11)
©WitzEnd Writings
It does sound a little Pollyanna, however it is a zestful way to put a twist on a sour situation especially if life puts the squeeze on you and leaves you with a sour, acidic aftertaste.
Life is not always sweet. Life is not always easy. In fact, life can be hard.
I do love lemons for their tartness.
I enjoy eating lemon slices and lemonade is very refreshing especially on a warm summer’s day.
But--I do not love --or even like-- when life gives me a lemon.
Have you ever had a cut on your hand that you had forgotten about until you sliced a lemon…
and the acidic juice burned your wound?
Sometimes life can be like that. And making lemonade will not make everything better.
Life can be sour and life can be hard, however, God is always good.
Years ago, when Dave & I were on a bus tour in Jamaica the bus driver shouted in a sing song way~
‘God is good!’ and the locals on the bus, responded ‘All the time!’.
Then the bus driver repeated, ‘All the time!’
and Dave & I joined in with the locals in chanting the refrain, ‘God is good!’
This is a true statement. ‘God IS good, ALL the time. And All the time, God IS Good.’
Sour circumstances. Unsweeted situations. Soured relationships.
These events and experiences do not alter the truth by even one drop of lemon juice—that God IS good.
When I first embraced a personal relationship with Jesus Christ,
I’ll admit that I was naïve and thought that my life would be a bowl of cherries.
However, God’s Word never promises that…if anything…quite the opposite.
It wasn’t long before lemon juice was squirted into my naivety. And it stung!
Yet, God remains good.
Even in heartache. God is good.
Loss of a loved one. God is good.
9/11. God is good.
Chronic pain. God is good.
Sour relationships. God is good.
Terminal diagnosis. God is good.
Bad news. God is good.
Broken promises. God is good.
Unfulfilled plans. God is good.
Failing health. God is good.
Hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis’. God is good.
(Fill in your own acidic circumstance). God is good. All the time.
Believe me I would wish for myself and also for you….a life filled with all sweet and no sour.
Yet life is a mixed bowl of fruit---of sweet and sour.
So, when life gives you lemons ~’taste and see that the Lord is good’ (Psalms 34:8a) ~and savour the sweet truth that ‘…in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him…’ (Romans 8:28)
Wendy’s Witz-dom:
When life gives you lemons don’t let it sour you on the truth about God.
God IS good ALL the time, ALL the time, God IS good!
God’s Wisdom:
‘I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not
to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope.’ (Jeremiah 29:11)
©WitzEnd Writings
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Day...A Day of Rest!
For over 100 years Labor Day has been a’ workingmen's holiday"
Though the holiday is called Labor Day it is a day to rest, relax, and not work or labor. And since, Labor Day is always observed on the first Monday of the month of September, it affords us a long weekend.
For all --a break between summer and fall. For many-- one last vacation to take before schools begin their fall session. For some—a day to catch up on—what?!—work!
No matter the plans or lack of plans on this day, it has been designated as a day to rest from your labor.
R & R…i.e. rest and relaxation has a variety of manifestations. For some It could be sleeping , or relaxing poolside, For others picnicking, gardening, bike riding, reading , boating, or golfing, etc…………….. Resting includes any activity that does not imply work, but instead leisure.
I don’t know about you but I need breaks throughout my ‘work days’ refresh…and to refuel. Even, my ‘workaholic- husband eventually reaches a point when he needs to put aside his work and relax, though not as frequently as I do. David loves what he does, so he does what he loves, almost 24/7! However, as much as he works & as hard as he works, he also plays hard. R & R for him is spending time with family or playing with our grand-doggy! Though, his ultimate relaxation is just watching movies, especially with his sons.
‘Rest’ is described in the dictionary as to’ stop working or moving in order to relax or recover strength.’ Therefore, rest is essential for our bodies. And rest does not just imply sleep, though it is recommended that our bodies need at least 8 hours of sleep a day to function at its optimum. Even, our muscles need physical rest between work outs to build strength.
However, we don’t have to be doing physical labor to tire. Our minds also need to relax to be refreshed as situations and circumstances of ‘just living’ life can drain us our energy. In addition, worrying can exhaust us emotionally.
We all just need to take a break. Chill out. Slow down…come to a full stop…let our body’s engine idle.
And what better day to be reminded to enjoy some R & R…than on Labor Day aka a day of relaxation.
We are in great company when we take a rest …’He rested from all the work of creating that He had done.’ (Genesis chapter2:verse3b)
And the same God that rested…encourages us to rest, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Physical rest: ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest’ (Matthew 11:28a)
Emotional Rest: ‘Cast all your anxiety upon Him because He cares for you.’(1 Peter 5:7)
Spiritual Rest: ‘Take my yoke upon you…and you will find rest for your souls.’(Matthew 11:29)
Take the time to enjoy your day of non-labor. Rest and relax! Refresh & Refuel!
Wendy’s Witz-dom:
If we do not get the rest we need, we will find ourselves feeling resentment in our work, home life and relationships. So remove the extras and just rest so that resentment doesn’t build up.
RES entmen T.
God’s Wisdom:
‘…I will give you rest.’ (Matthew11:28c)
*All bible verses are from the New International Version of the Bible.
Though the holiday is called Labor Day it is a day to rest, relax, and not work or labor. And since, Labor Day is always observed on the first Monday of the month of September, it affords us a long weekend.
For all --a break between summer and fall. For many-- one last vacation to take before schools begin their fall session. For some—a day to catch up on—what?!—work!
No matter the plans or lack of plans on this day, it has been designated as a day to rest from your labor.
R & R…i.e. rest and relaxation has a variety of manifestations. For some It could be sleeping , or relaxing poolside, For others picnicking, gardening, bike riding, reading , boating, or golfing, etc…………….. Resting includes any activity that does not imply work, but instead leisure.
I don’t know about you but I need breaks throughout my ‘work days’ refresh…and to refuel. Even, my ‘workaholic- husband eventually reaches a point when he needs to put aside his work and relax, though not as frequently as I do. David loves what he does, so he does what he loves, almost 24/7! However, as much as he works & as hard as he works, he also plays hard. R & R for him is spending time with family or playing with our grand-doggy! Though, his ultimate relaxation is just watching movies, especially with his sons.
‘Rest’ is described in the dictionary as to’ stop working or moving in order to relax or recover strength.’ Therefore, rest is essential for our bodies. And rest does not just imply sleep, though it is recommended that our bodies need at least 8 hours of sleep a day to function at its optimum. Even, our muscles need physical rest between work outs to build strength.
However, we don’t have to be doing physical labor to tire. Our minds also need to relax to be refreshed as situations and circumstances of ‘just living’ life can drain us our energy. In addition, worrying can exhaust us emotionally.
We all just need to take a break. Chill out. Slow down…come to a full stop…let our body’s engine idle.
And what better day to be reminded to enjoy some R & R…than on Labor Day aka a day of relaxation.
We are in great company when we take a rest …’He rested from all the work of creating that He had done.’ (Genesis chapter2:verse3b)
And the same God that rested…encourages us to rest, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Physical rest: ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest’ (Matthew 11:28a)
Emotional Rest: ‘Cast all your anxiety upon Him because He cares for you.’(1 Peter 5:7)
Spiritual Rest: ‘Take my yoke upon you…and you will find rest for your souls.’(Matthew 11:29)
Take the time to enjoy your day of non-labor. Rest and relax! Refresh & Refuel!
Wendy’s Witz-dom:
If we do not get the rest we need, we will find ourselves feeling resentment in our work, home life and relationships. So remove the extras and just rest so that resentment doesn’t build up.
RES entmen T.
God’s Wisdom:
‘…I will give you rest.’ (Matthew11:28c)
*All bible verses are from the New International Version of the Bible.
Monday, August 30, 2010
He loves me! He loves me not!
He loves me! He loves me not!
My favorite flower is a daisy.
Behind my childhood home and beyond the baseball diamond there was an open field~populated by daisies.
Many a sunny afternoon I would wander into the field and sit among the white petal yellow centered flowers. I could not resist picking one and delicately dislocating a petal with the words 'He loves me!'
Subsequently, pulling off the next petal with the words, 'He loves me not!'
Continuing with each one of the white parts of the flower head, alternating between 'He loves me'! and 'He loves me not'!
So, what happened when the final petal ended with the declaration of 'He loves me not'? Well, I didn't let it wilt my spirit~I just would select another daisy from the meadow and begin again.....and if need be, again and again...until the last petal concurred with me...that 'He loves me'!
The 'He' varied over the years. In grade school, it was Benji, then later, Robert, then John and then Timmy...until my collegiate years when I began dating David.
David and I lived a forty five minute drive from one another. Often, he would arrive at my Parent's Home on weekends with a bouquet or two of flowers for me.
Wild daisies~he had stopped and hand picked along the route from his home to my heart.
I never plucked a petal from the plethora of daisies that I received from him~as I did not have to question does 'He love me'? or does, 'He love me not'? His actions (not limited to picking me wild daisies) showed me~ 'He loves me'! Period. No 'love-me-nots' about it!
Moreover, there are no 'love-me-nots' with God. I never have to ponder with each petal of my life if 'He loves me!' or if, 'He loves me not'! God’s love is unconditional, it is not conditional in that:
...if I am good--He loves me!, if I am not--He loves me not!
...if I am nice at all times, to all people--He loves me!, if I am not--He loves me not!
...if I live life successfully by society's standards--He loves me!, if not--He loves me not!
...if I never have a wrong thought or moral failings--He loves me!, if I do--He loves me not!
...if I do enough good works and jump through enough hoops to please man--He loves me!, if not-He loves me not!
These arrays of petals are plentiful...and can plant seeds of doubt of God's love...
based on what I do or don't do, say or don't say, act or react.
However, His love for me....and based on His character.
He loves me. Period. No 'love-me-nots' about it. And...
He loves you. Period. No 'love-me-nots' about it.
His unconditional love for us reminds me of a chorus to a song about God.
'Not because of what we've done, but because of who You are;
not because of who we are, but because of what You've done.'
Wendy's Witz-dom:
Next time you see a daisy~smile :)--knowing that
no 'love-me-nots' about it~God loves you!
God's Wisdom:
'We love because He first loved us' (1 John, chapter 4, verse 19)
'This is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us AND sent His only Son
(Jesus Christ) as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. * (1 John 4:10)
*Think about being unable to pay a debt...
not hard to imagine during our current economic times...
and then being informed that your debt has been PAID IN FULL.
Truly, a 'He loves me!' petal~His only kind!!!!
My favorite flower is a daisy.
Behind my childhood home and beyond the baseball diamond there was an open field~populated by daisies.
Many a sunny afternoon I would wander into the field and sit among the white petal yellow centered flowers. I could not resist picking one and delicately dislocating a petal with the words 'He loves me!'
Subsequently, pulling off the next petal with the words, 'He loves me not!'
Continuing with each one of the white parts of the flower head, alternating between 'He loves me'! and 'He loves me not'!
So, what happened when the final petal ended with the declaration of 'He loves me not'? Well, I didn't let it wilt my spirit~I just would select another daisy from the meadow and begin again.....and if need be, again and again...until the last petal concurred with me...that 'He loves me'!
The 'He' varied over the years. In grade school, it was Benji, then later, Robert, then John and then Timmy...until my collegiate years when I began dating David.
David and I lived a forty five minute drive from one another. Often, he would arrive at my Parent's Home on weekends with a bouquet or two of flowers for me.
Wild daisies~he had stopped and hand picked along the route from his home to my heart.
I never plucked a petal from the plethora of daisies that I received from him~as I did not have to question does 'He love me'? or does, 'He love me not'? His actions (not limited to picking me wild daisies) showed me~ 'He loves me'! Period. No 'love-me-nots' about it!
Moreover, there are no 'love-me-nots' with God. I never have to ponder with each petal of my life if 'He loves me!' or if, 'He loves me not'! God’s love is unconditional, it is not conditional in that:
...if I am good--He loves me!, if I am not--He loves me not!
...if I am nice at all times, to all people--He loves me!, if I am not--He loves me not!
...if I live life successfully by society's standards--He loves me!, if not--He loves me not!
...if I never have a wrong thought or moral failings--He loves me!, if I do--He loves me not!
...if I do enough good works and jump through enough hoops to please man--He loves me!, if not-He loves me not!
These arrays of petals are plentiful...and can plant seeds of doubt of God's love...
based on what I do or don't do, say or don't say, act or react.
However, His love for me....and based on His character.
He loves me. Period. No 'love-me-nots' about it. And...
He loves you. Period. No 'love-me-nots' about it.
His unconditional love for us reminds me of a chorus to a song about God.
'Not because of what we've done, but because of who You are;
not because of who we are, but because of what You've done.'
Wendy's Witz-dom:
Next time you see a daisy~smile :)--knowing that
no 'love-me-nots' about it~God loves you!
God's Wisdom:
'We love because He first loved us' (1 John, chapter 4, verse 19)
'This is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us AND sent His only Son
(Jesus Christ) as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. * (1 John 4:10)
*Think about being unable to pay a debt...
not hard to imagine during our current economic times...
and then being informed that your debt has been PAID IN FULL.
Truly, a 'He loves me!' petal~His only kind!!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
'Sell-ebrating 30 years of Marriage'
Sell-ebrating 30 years of Marriage!
Why the mis-spelling of celebration? For those who don't know~my maiden name is Sell~
and becoming~ Mrs. David Witz on August 23, 1980 gave me,
Wendy Sell, the ultimate reason to celebrate, thus 'Sell'-ebrate!
Over the 30 years...
Multiple joys
Two girls & two boys
Much laughter
Many tears (happy and sad)
Memories made together...
shared together...
remembered together
Loving each other--
through thick (weight fluctuations! l.o.l.) and thin
Trust, Honesty & Communication--
the 3 vows we made to each other when we began to date
and clung to...during our 30 years as each other's mate
We love each other, yes..
however, we are also 'in love' with one another
and that is marriage at its best!
I could ascribe to clichés of, 'He completes me',
or 'He's the wind beneath my wings' or even that
he is my 'True Love' (think movie, Princess Bride),
as well as, additional (personal) truths of~ that he loves me so well,
so completely and (most of the time) unconditionally!
Yet, suffice it to say~concerning my 30 years
as David's Wif (no 'e'--inside joke)
I would say, I Do, all over again
no buts, ands, or if
Thanks for keeping the 'Happy' in each day of every month of each year's Anniversary!
And by the way,~ what are you doing the next 30 years?
You won't have to ask me three times again....the answer is YES!
Words of Witz-dom:
'My beloved is mine, and I am his' (Song of Songs 2:16a) (The Bible--King James Version)
Why the mis-spelling of celebration? For those who don't know~my maiden name is Sell~
and becoming~ Mrs. David Witz on August 23, 1980 gave me,
Wendy Sell, the ultimate reason to celebrate, thus 'Sell'-ebrate!
Over the 30 years...
Multiple joys
Two girls & two boys
Much laughter
Many tears (happy and sad)
Memories made together...
shared together...
remembered together
Loving each other--
through thick (weight fluctuations! l.o.l.) and thin
Trust, Honesty & Communication--
the 3 vows we made to each other when we began to date
and clung to...during our 30 years as each other's mate
We love each other, yes..
however, we are also 'in love' with one another
and that is marriage at its best!
I could ascribe to clichés of, 'He completes me',
or 'He's the wind beneath my wings' or even that
he is my 'True Love' (think movie, Princess Bride),
as well as, additional (personal) truths of~ that he loves me so well,
so completely and (most of the time) unconditionally!
Yet, suffice it to say~concerning my 30 years
as David's Wif (no 'e'--inside joke)
I would say, I Do, all over again
no buts, ands, or if
Thanks for keeping the 'Happy' in each day of every month of each year's Anniversary!
And by the way,~ what are you doing the next 30 years?
You won't have to ask me three times again....the answer is YES!
Words of Witz-dom:
'My beloved is mine, and I am his' (Song of Songs 2:16a) (The Bible--King James Version)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
It's Dog-gone hard being a Military Mom!
To Airman Witz:
I am watching ‘your boy’ today...
Rufus is definitely your son…before you puff up with fatherly joy…consider
‘My Day in your Dog’s life’
As I try to work at my desk-he claws at my legs, he has scratched them so much that I won’t have to shave for weeks!
When I pick him up & place him on my lap, he squirms & squirms, making doing my work--using the computer keyboard—-im-paws-ible!
I think he ‘wet’ my hand (how do you say ‘yuk’ in Iraqian?!?)
He has crawled under the bed and made his way thru-- many i.e.d.s—cause only God knows (& maybe the Taliban) what is all under there!
He has gotten a Kleenex out of the waste basket and ripped it apart & littered it all around my desk!
Yes, there will be a littering fine..waiting for you, upon your return.
He licks me non-stop---did I mention that I loathe (no, it is not a misspelling—I mean loathe NOT l-o-v-e) warm puppy kisses!
I have lost count on how many times I have called him Casie…and Dad & Jordan are tiring of reminding me to call him a he not a she (like Casie)!
I have to carry the grass as he prefers to water the concrete!
Regardless, more than not he goes all over himself (have you found out yet how to say ‘yuk’ in Iraqian ?!)
I would pray that he would go awol, at least, -- to the deck-- however it is scorching hot…and I am trying to be a compassionate Christian to your canine!!!!
And if you think you are immune….when Dad left his ‘office’—Rufus jumped up into the executive chair—with a dog gone defiant look of ‘I am the Top Dog’ of the Company!!!! (I have a picture to prove it!)
So--at the next board meeting—it might not be who has the most stock in the company (since you claim to own 51%)…but whose tail is wagging in the CEO’s chair!!!
So, do you really think you have it ‘ruff’ in Iraq?????
Spending a day... guarding freedoms has got to be paws-itively less hazardous than my ‘ruff’ day in your dog’s life!!
I am heading to the recruiting office…
*Did I mention Rufus’s version of explosive devices ~hidden stink bombs~in my yard that I have to try not to step on?!?
It is dog-gone hard to be a Military Mom! (or grand-maw!)

To Airman Witz:
I am watching ‘your boy’ today...
Rufus is definitely your son…before you puff up with fatherly joy…consider
‘My Day in your Dog’s life’
As I try to work at my desk-he claws at my legs, he has scratched them so much that I won’t have to shave for weeks!
When I pick him up & place him on my lap, he squirms & squirms, making doing my work--using the computer keyboard—-im-paws-ible!
I think he ‘wet’ my hand (how do you say ‘yuk’ in Iraqian?!?)
He has crawled under the bed and made his way thru-- many i.e.d.s—cause only God knows (& maybe the Taliban) what is all under there!
He has gotten a Kleenex out of the waste basket and ripped it apart & littered it all around my desk!
Yes, there will be a littering fine..waiting for you, upon your return.
He licks me non-stop---did I mention that I loathe (no, it is not a misspelling—I mean loathe NOT l-o-v-e) warm puppy kisses!
I have lost count on how many times I have called him Casie…and Dad & Jordan are tiring of reminding me to call him a he not a she (like Casie)!
I have to carry the grass as he prefers to water the concrete!
Regardless, more than not he goes all over himself (have you found out yet how to say ‘yuk’ in Iraqian ?!)
I would pray that he would go awol, at least, -- to the deck-- however it is scorching hot…and I am trying to be a compassionate Christian to your canine!!!!
And if you think you are immune….when Dad left his ‘office’—Rufus jumped up into the executive chair—with a dog gone defiant look of ‘I am the Top Dog’ of the Company!!!! (I have a picture to prove it!)
So--at the next board meeting—it might not be who has the most stock in the company (since you claim to own 51%)…but whose tail is wagging in the CEO’s chair!!!
So, do you really think you have it ‘ruff’ in Iraq?????
Spending a day... guarding freedoms has got to be paws-itively less hazardous than my ‘ruff’ day in your dog’s life!!
I am heading to the recruiting office…
*Did I mention Rufus’s version of explosive devices ~hidden stink bombs~in my yard that I have to try not to step on?!?
It is dog-gone hard to be a Military Mom! (or grand-maw!)
Sunday, August 15, 2010 Butterfly!

Butterflies are beautiful~varying in brilliant colors. They glide gracefully in days of sunshine and even during the rainy seasons.
Their wings enable them to soar above their surroundings…and fly distances.
Every butterfly, though, has its beginning as a caterpillar.
A caterpillar is limited to the ground or low places of dwelling where
it can crawl. It does not have good vision.
Do you feel like a caterpillar? Limited in your vision? Confined within the perimeters of your current surroundings or circumstances?
The caterpillar stage is essential~providing the time necessary for development.
Staying put….resting…remaining warm and protected in a cocoon setting can become comfortable…but sooner than later…we long to spread our wings…instead of inching our way along.
However, to do so, there must be a transformation from being a
caterpillar to becoming a butterfly. The dictionary defines "transformation" as: A marked change in nature, form or appearance.
Likewise, God says, ‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!’ *
When we ask God into our hearts and lives…He changes us.
A transformation has occurred…we no longer are the same.
We will be transformed through the renewal of our minds**which changes our attitudes, behaviors and our vision…which is no longer limited to what we can see around us—on the contrary, we will gain an eternal outlook.
We will no longer just inch our way along in life but will be able to spread our wings and soar - in our faith…enabled now ~with God~ as the wind beneath our wings…to glide during non-windy, sun-shining days and also soar above our circumstances during the rainy seasons of our lives.
Is the transformational change immediate?...No---it is a process, that takes time~not much differently than the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly.
Also, once you are a new creation, like the butterfly—will you always soar~with no turbulence, only blue skies ahead? Again…no!
Just the other day, there was a beautiful purple butterfly just sitting on my sidewalk. As I watched it just sitting there, seemingly content, making no effort to flutter its wings and take flight. I could times I have desired to just sit life out for awhile and crawl back into my comfortable cocoon. Or I have forgotten (subconsciously or purposefully) that I am a new creation...and resort to behaviors befitting a caterpillar!
At those times ~maybe not immediately, but (thankfully) eventually~
I ask God to renew my mind, restore my hope and refill my strength…and remain the wind beneath my wings.
Words of Witz-dom:
Every caterpillar can be transformed into a Butterfly!
How? Ask God to transform you.
Then prepare to fly!
*2 Corinthians 5:17 (New International Version of the Bible)
**Romans 12:2 (NIV)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The best ride of your life!--(sorry Disney!!)
Half-witz: (usually refers to when only half of my Family is together, however, this is for another~ always at witz end blog~at half week!)
Faith is more than believing that when we sit on a chair that it will support our weight and not go crashing to the floor. It is not just hoping that when we
bungee jump that the cord will hold up and not snap…or that the parachute
will open when we pull the rip cord as we quickly descend to the ground...or that the
roller coaster is going to stay on track!
These are all more wishing for something to occur –not actual faith that it will happen with 100% certainty.
Faith~is just as—if not more—exhilarating.
It is believing ---without seeing first.
It is stepping out…taking the leap…letting go…with 100% certainty that
God is who He says He is…that He loves you…and that He has purpose for you.
Go ahead…pull the rip cord of faith…you will be in for the ride of
your life!
Faith is more than believing that when we sit on a chair that it will support our weight and not go crashing to the floor. It is not just hoping that when we
bungee jump that the cord will hold up and not snap…or that the parachute
will open when we pull the rip cord as we quickly descend to the ground...or that the
roller coaster is going to stay on track!
These are all more wishing for something to occur –not actual faith that it will happen with 100% certainty.
Faith~is just as—if not more—exhilarating.
It is believing ---without seeing first.
It is stepping out…taking the leap…letting go…with 100% certainty that
God is who He says He is…that He loves you…and that He has purpose for you.
Go ahead…pull the rip cord of faith…you will be in for the ride of
your life!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Thank God for Un-answered Prayers!
Thank God for Un-answered Prayers!
Most of the time~if not all of the time~it is only in hindsight that we can say
thank God for ‘un’-answered prayers.
Have we not all really, really, wanted something…or someone in our life?
We convince ourselves that we must have it or should have him/her—
to be happy or fulfilled. So--if our prayers are not answered accordingly~we cry,
and/or we attempt to manipulate the situations to get what we want, and/or we negotiate with God.
I have a personal experience concerning a boyfriend in high school. I believed he was—you know—being my first love-that he was to be my one true love…for life. My mother had always told me, ‘one love for life’~ I do believe she’s right…however, she wasn’t back then—no matter how much I wanted her to be…and I wanted her to be, very badly!
Except my love for him was unrequited.
In hindsight, I wasted years (of loving him) and wasted tears (of wanting him).
As the saying goes, ‘hindsight is 20/20’…or maybe just with the passage of time and maturity…there is clarity of what I truly desired in a future spouse.
However, there are really no prayers that are ‘un’-answered…
So, reminiscent of a chess game~circumstances played out~for me to meet my husband, the man who loves me so well and so completely and fulfills my heart’s desire!
Were my former prayers ‘un’ answered? No. My prayers were just not answered the way I thought I wanted them to be…at that point in my life. However, God knew/knows
the desires of my heart…not just the shallow layers of the flesh but the depth of my heart’s truest wants and needs.
So now, in retrospect of hindsight—I thank God for the answered prayers of my
‘un’ known deepest desires.
Are you praying concerning something…or someone? Do you think if your prayers
are answered according to—how you pray—that you will finally be happy, feel
complete or be fulfilled? Do you even get mad that God doesn’t seem to answer your prayers…your way?!?
I would rarely recommend this about myself—but 'trust me' in this…
you can trust Him.
‘For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ (Jeremiah 29:11—in God’s Word, the Bible)
You will be amazed--at all the times that you also will be able to say,
Thank God for ‘un’answered prayers!
Words of Witz-dom: Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires
of your heart! (Psalms 37:4) He really will!!!
Most of the time~if not all of the time~it is only in hindsight that we can say
thank God for ‘un’-answered prayers.
Have we not all really, really, wanted something…or someone in our life?
We convince ourselves that we must have it or should have him/her—
to be happy or fulfilled. So--if our prayers are not answered accordingly~we cry,
and/or we attempt to manipulate the situations to get what we want, and/or we negotiate with God.
I have a personal experience concerning a boyfriend in high school. I believed he was—you know—being my first love-that he was to be my one true love…for life. My mother had always told me, ‘one love for life’~ I do believe she’s right…however, she wasn’t back then—no matter how much I wanted her to be…and I wanted her to be, very badly!
Except my love for him was unrequited.
In hindsight, I wasted years (of loving him) and wasted tears (of wanting him).
As the saying goes, ‘hindsight is 20/20’…or maybe just with the passage of time and maturity…there is clarity of what I truly desired in a future spouse.
However, there are really no prayers that are ‘un’-answered…
So, reminiscent of a chess game~circumstances played out~for me to meet my husband, the man who loves me so well and so completely and fulfills my heart’s desire!
Were my former prayers ‘un’ answered? No. My prayers were just not answered the way I thought I wanted them to be…at that point in my life. However, God knew/knows
the desires of my heart…not just the shallow layers of the flesh but the depth of my heart’s truest wants and needs.
So now, in retrospect of hindsight—I thank God for the answered prayers of my
‘un’ known deepest desires.
Are you praying concerning something…or someone? Do you think if your prayers
are answered according to—how you pray—that you will finally be happy, feel
complete or be fulfilled? Do you even get mad that God doesn’t seem to answer your prayers…your way?!?
I would rarely recommend this about myself—but 'trust me' in this…
you can trust Him.
‘For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ (Jeremiah 29:11—in God’s Word, the Bible)
You will be amazed--at all the times that you also will be able to say,
Thank God for ‘un’answered prayers!
Words of Witz-dom: Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires
of your heart! (Psalms 37:4) He really will!!!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Is God a God of 3rd Chances?!
I was asked, 'Is God a God of 3rd Chances?'.
Most of us adhere to the creed of giving others a second chance
and also being the recipient of being given a second chance.
However (and there is always a 'however')--what happens when the
person 'blows' the 2nd chance? Major disappointment, for sure.
And we usually...move on....end of story...period.
However, (see what I mean?!) I wasn't asked about 'human response'~
I was implored concerning God bestowing 3rd chances.
This was just not a rhetorical query. This person's eyes were filled with unspilled tears and there was a lump in his throat, as he asked the question,
'Is God a God of 3rd chances?'
I know 'why' the question was needing answered since I knew the 'who'
that the question was concerning. My own heart ached. So, 'what' was/is the
There are always consequences. Damaged relationships. Loss of reputation.
Legal ramifications. Hurt feelings. Broken circle of trust.
Separation from loved ones...and God.
However, (l.o.l. {laugh out loud}--there IS always a 'however'!)
with God~there is grace. What is grace? A popular girl's name? A prayer before a meal? Yes, to both.
However, (ok~you get it by now!) God's grace is undeserved. Not earned.
Never achieved by our 'works'. Nor can it be bought.
Grace is a gift.
Period...end of story...move on.
Is God a God of 3rd chances? No.
No? No~because God is a God of infinite chances!
'Where' do we find God's grace? At the foot of the cross~ 'When we confess our wrongdoings to God~He forgives us' (1 John 1:9)...and He gives us 3rd, 4th,
5th, ...umpteen...milliion...billion....chances of restoration with Him,
and with others.
G--od's gift
C--hanges our 2nd chances to
E--ndless--incrementally infinite...chances!
Are you in need of a '3rd chance'? It's yours for the asking...from God!
Words of Witz-dom: What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace
may increase? By no means! (Roman 6:1, 2a)
Most of us adhere to the creed of giving others a second chance
and also being the recipient of being given a second chance.
However (and there is always a 'however')--what happens when the
person 'blows' the 2nd chance? Major disappointment, for sure.
And we usually...move on....end of story...period.
However, (see what I mean?!) I wasn't asked about 'human response'~
I was implored concerning God bestowing 3rd chances.
This was just not a rhetorical query. This person's eyes were filled with unspilled tears and there was a lump in his throat, as he asked the question,
'Is God a God of 3rd chances?'
I know 'why' the question was needing answered since I knew the 'who'
that the question was concerning. My own heart ached. So, 'what' was/is the
There are always consequences. Damaged relationships. Loss of reputation.
Legal ramifications. Hurt feelings. Broken circle of trust.
Separation from loved ones...and God.
However, (l.o.l. {laugh out loud}--there IS always a 'however'!)
with God~there is grace. What is grace? A popular girl's name? A prayer before a meal? Yes, to both.
However, (ok~you get it by now!) God's grace is undeserved. Not earned.
Never achieved by our 'works'. Nor can it be bought.
Grace is a gift.
Period...end of story...move on.
Is God a God of 3rd chances? No.
No? No~because God is a God of infinite chances!
'Where' do we find God's grace? At the foot of the cross~ 'When we confess our wrongdoings to God~He forgives us' (1 John 1:9)...and He gives us 3rd, 4th,
5th, ...umpteen...milliion...billion....chances of restoration with Him,
and with others.
G--od's gift
C--hanges our 2nd chances to
E--ndless--incrementally infinite...chances!
Are you in need of a '3rd chance'? It's yours for the asking...from God!
Words of Witz-dom: What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace
may increase? By no means! (Roman 6:1, 2a)
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Under God'sSpell
Julie Andrew's sang in The Sound of Music~'Let's start at the very beginning,
a very good place to start.'
I was raised in a good family and we went to church every Sunday. However, just
as going to a McDonald's does not make you a cheeseburger, going to a church does
not make you a Christian. During my years in high school I bacame increasingly aware
that something was missing in my life. Fast March 3, 1976, I was waiting alone backstage--for my cue--to go onstage for the play, God Spell,
when I experienced a sensation from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes and instantly~ I knew that I knew that I knew~that Jesus Christ is the one and only true God. He was the something missing in my life.
From that evening to this day, I have been under God's Spell!
Though I did not sing, 'Day by Day' in God Spell, the refrain has been my
prayer the last 34 years. 'Day by day. Day by day. Oh, dear Lord, three things
I pray. To see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly,
~day by day'!!
How does one come under God's Spell? Again, words from Do-Re-Mi, 'when you read
you begin with A-B-C'
A---sk forgiveness for your sins (thoughts & behaviors that are not pleasing
to God, according to His Word, the Bible) And yes, no matter how good
we might think we are, we are all sinners!
B---elieve that Jesus Christ has forgiven your sins and that you are a new
creation in Him!
C---ommit to reading God's Word. Connect with other believers! And join
a Church that teaches the Bible as the infallible word of God!
a very good place to start.'
I was raised in a good family and we went to church every Sunday. However, just
as going to a McDonald's does not make you a cheeseburger, going to a church does
not make you a Christian. During my years in high school I bacame increasingly aware
that something was missing in my life. Fast March 3, 1976, I was waiting alone backstage--for my cue--to go onstage for the play, God Spell,
when I experienced a sensation from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes and instantly~ I knew that I knew that I knew~that Jesus Christ is the one and only true God. He was the something missing in my life.
From that evening to this day, I have been under God's Spell!
Though I did not sing, 'Day by Day' in God Spell, the refrain has been my
prayer the last 34 years. 'Day by day. Day by day. Oh, dear Lord, three things
I pray. To see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly,
~day by day'!!
How does one come under God's Spell? Again, words from Do-Re-Mi, 'when you read
you begin with A-B-C'
A---sk forgiveness for your sins (thoughts & behaviors that are not pleasing
to God, according to His Word, the Bible) And yes, no matter how good
we might think we are, we are all sinners!
B---elieve that Jesus Christ has forgiven your sins and that you are a new
creation in Him!
C---ommit to reading God's Word. Connect with other believers! And join
a Church that teaches the Bible as the infallible word of God!
Friday, June 4, 2010
God does have a sense of humor!
God does have a sense of humor--however, it is never at our expense!
But--first things first~
The first thing in knowing God.
You can know God by reading God's Word, the bible.
Sound boring? Remember Mikey, from the Life cereal commercials
years ago? (OK--I am dating myself!)...nonetheless, 'try it you'll like it'.
God reveals Himself in His Word...and He is in the business of changing lives
and transforming hearts! Really! Too good to be true? Not for God!
We will get back to God's sense of humor~until then, keep your 'witz' about you!
But--first things first~
The first thing in knowing God.
You can know God by reading God's Word, the bible.
Sound boring? Remember Mikey, from the Life cereal commercials
years ago? (OK--I am dating myself!)...nonetheless, 'try it you'll like it'.
God reveals Himself in His Word...and He is in the business of changing lives
and transforming hearts! Really! Too good to be true? Not for God!
We will get back to God's sense of humor~until then, keep your 'witz' about you!
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