Sunday, July 25, 2010

Under God'sSpell

Julie Andrew's sang in The Sound of Music~'Let's start at the very beginning,
a very good place to start.'
I was raised in a good family and we went to church every Sunday. However, just
as going to a McDonald's does not make you a cheeseburger, going to a church does
not make you a Christian. During my years in high school I bacame increasingly aware
that something was missing in my life. Fast March 3, 1976, I was waiting alone backstage--for my cue--to go onstage for the play, God Spell,
when I experienced a sensation from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes and instantly~ I knew that I knew that I knew~that Jesus Christ is the one and only true God. He was the something missing in my life.
From that evening to this day, I have been under God's Spell!

Though I did not sing, 'Day by Day' in God Spell, the refrain has been my
prayer the last 34 years. 'Day by day. Day by day. Oh, dear Lord, three things
I pray. To see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly,
~day by day'!!

How does one come under God's Spell? Again, words from Do-Re-Mi, 'when you read
you begin with A-B-C'
A---sk forgiveness for your sins (thoughts & behaviors that are not pleasing
to God, according to His Word, the Bible) And yes, no matter how good
we might think we are, we are all sinners!

B---elieve that Jesus Christ has forgiven your sins and that you are a new
creation in Him!

C---ommit to reading God's Word. Connect with other believers! And join
a Church that teaches the Bible as the infallible word of God!